


Dare to Believe Inc.
Reaching the corners of the earth with the love of Christ

Clothing Factory

God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world.
- 1 Corinthians 7:23
In order to fund these ministries and provide an alternative to prostitution for lower caste women, the clothing factory was established in 2012. The factory goes beyond just providing a fair wage in a safe and positive work environment, but the ministry looks out for their health and self esteem providing food and clothes for these women who have come from some very desperate situations.
One reoccurring theme for these women is the struggle between still believing they are worthless (as they have been told) and seeing their value which is evident by their ability to make such a high quality piece of clothing. The idea that they have no value is so ingrained that they have asked how both can be true. They are assured them that they do have value and in the eyes of Christ they are worth dying for.
The clothing factory currently provides jobs for over 200 women. All profits from the factory go directly to supporting the ministry.
Kamala's Story
