


Dare to Believe Inc.
Reaching the corners of the earth with the love of Christ

Where this began

An Act of Faith
Sunny was born into an upper caste Christian family in India. At age nineteen God touched his heart and opened his eyes to the needs around him. From that point on he had the passion to walk away from his upper caste life, move into the slums and help the lower caste. He fell in love with a woman (Mercy) of a lower caste from the tribal region of Northeast India who shares the same passion. They disobeyed the rules of culture (caste system) and were married. Because Sunny married a woman of lower status, he was disowned by most of his friends and family and lost his job.
While living in the slums of India, they noticed hundreds of orphan children living on the street. Not only were the children hungry, but they were often rounded up and sold into slavery and prostitution. They began by feeding them, then teaching them. When they were with Sunny and Mercy they were getting the opportunity to learn and were safe.
Their passion for Christ lead to the Bible college where others learn to start churches, schools and orphanages just like they did. By God's grace, the Bible college was started with very little funding. Students come from hundreds of miles away for the rare opportunity to learn about Christ. They often leave everything behind when they also go against culture to follow Christ.