


Dare to Believe Inc.
Reaching the corners of the earth with the love of Christ


What does DtB do?
Help prevent orphan and lower caste children from being sold into slavery and prostitution by:
providing safe places for them to go
spreading the word that "opportunities" for children are often an avenue into slavery
helping people see children as someone to be protected and not a source of income
Provide an alternative to prostitution for the women of the lower caste (Dalit) villages​
Share the love of Christ with the remote villages of India and beyond
Encourage others to step out of their comfort zone to live and love for Christ
Offer education to orphans and lower caste villages
Teach those without a dignified means to support themselves a trade
Train those with a passion for Christ to share His message
Help the lower caste and others see themselves the way Christ does.
What is the Vision for the future?
To see nations change as lives and communities are transformed through personal relationships with Christ beginning with 1000 churches around Asia and relationships worldwide and continuing on to thousands (plural) of churches (each with a school)
To change the future for the lower caste in 1000 villages from poverty and little sense of self-worth to hope and a sense of value
To significantly impact slavery around the world by offering a safe environment for kids in the form of a 1000 schools (then thousands) and 1000 dignified jobs for lower caste women
To impact millions of lives by having each person reached through this ministry begin to see in themselves and others the value and potential that Christ does
To impact eternity by reaching the unreached corners of the earth with the name of Jesus who brings life and conquered sin
Do you Dare to Believe?