


Dare to Believe Inc.
Reaching the corners of the earth with the love of Christ

Friends join in

Half a world away Sunny and Mercy's path crossed with those in small town Ripon, WI while attending a conference on human trafficking conference just minutes away. Just as Sunny's eyes were opened, God moved in the hearts of Ripon as well starting with our friend Kathy then later ours and others. We began to see the need and opportunity as well and were inspired by their selfless passion for Christ. They don't always know where their next meal is coming from, but they teach, help and show the love of Christ any way. We began to see the eternal potential (both ways) of this maybe unlikely pair (middle class Americans and those in the slums of India) teaming up. God relentlessly moved us to step out of our comfort zone and get involved starting with the clothing factory run by women from lower caste villages as an alternative to prostitution. The clothing factory started in 2012 and lead to a non-profit, completely volunteer organization to support the work going on in India. In the past ten years we have seen Christ work in amazing ways as we've stepped out in faith to see what He will do next.
Trusting the Lord
Ben and Kelly Field
(and the Dare to Believe team)​​​​​​​